Host Brian Purdy interviews Sean Borman with AeroAuto at the Innovations Showcase at SUN ‘n FUN Aerospace Expo 2024.
The Future of Flying Cars
Sean Borman, CEO of Aero Auto, discusses the flying car industry at Sun ‘n Fun Aerospace Expo. He highlights the importance of consumer education and finding the best vehicles for each individual’s needs.
Sean discussed the company’s plans to open a showroom in Austin, Texas, which will include a training facility for pilots of these new flying vehicles. Borman also spoke about the challenges of developing a new industry, including how to classify these vehicles and train pilots. He believes that consumer education is the most important thing right now, and that AO Auto will play a role in helping people understand the different options that are available. The company will also provide customers with support services such as charging infrastructure, landing facilities, storage facilities, registration, insurance, and maintenance.